Rodent Control Service


It's the sound that homeowners dread: the pitter-patter of tiny feet, scurrying across the tile of the kitchen, or in the walls. Hollywood has capitalized on the fear that these little creatures instill into people, showing scenes of families panicking and sprinting through their homes, jumping on furniture to get away from the invading rodents. Although it doesn't always play out this way, the feeling is the same: whether in a home or on the street, rodents are not exactly welcome in many people's lives.

In the winter alone, approximately 21 million homes are infested by rodents each year. Surveys have revealed that, in 2016, 37% of American homeowners found a rodent in their home. This means that nearly 4 out of every ten homes on your block could be suffering from a rodent infestation. These are not great odds for your family's health and the safety of your home. Mice and rats are by far the most common rodents to invade residences, presenting the threat of chewed up wires, hazardous droppings in common living spaces, and the spread of disease.
Where you live isn't a reliable defense against these critters either, as they are quite versatile, and they will inevitably make their way to you. Thankfully, though, here in the Midwest, we have the lowest chance of infestation at 22%. It was found that they are quite evenly distributed throughout the country, ranging from infestation rates between 22-35%. 
DIY solutions such as subtle modifications to your home aren't the most reliable defense, either, as rats are known to be able to squeeze through openings the width of a quarter. Mice are even craftier, able to shimmy their way through tiny holes about the size of a dime. These infestations can get out of hand very quickly, too, as mice can give birth to a litter of 12 every three weeks – an incredibly short time span.

They're most likely to take up residence in your kitchen (more than 50% of infestations are centralized here). However, they can expand to other parts of your home as well. Behind the kitchen, they're most likely to invade the basement, living room, attic, garage, and bedrooms. These animals, although small, pose some serious threats to the health of you and your family once they find their way inside. They are carriers of many different types of viral and bacterial diseases – approximately 35 – including variants of typhus, Hantavirus, and Spotted Fever. Exposure to their waste, urine, or saliva can leave you vulnerable to these debilitating illnesses. 

Don't leave your health up to chance. To get your rodent infestation under control as soon as possible, you need the help of Karma Pest Solutions. Led by BJ Holloway, who has over a decade of experience in pest control, our technicians will provide the residents of Western South Dakota customized, high-quality pest control services to ensure the safety of you and your home for years to come. Call us today to get your pest control plan underway.
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