Though bird watching is a great pastime when done from afar, no one wants birds shacking up in their homes. Starlings, pigeons, and house sparrows are common nuisances in South Dakota. However, most birds are
protected by the federal government, so you'll need help from licensed professionals to deal with them appropriately. Birds commonly carry mites, lice, and several
diseases. The five most common diseases transmitted by birds are Salmonella, Trichomoniasis, Aspergillosis, Avian Pox, and Lyme Disease. Those infections can take hold if someone so much as touches a bird or its droppings. Because the diseases are spread so quickly, the areas that the birds inhabit become hotbeds for them. The contaminants can be spread by way of the ventilation ducts and air conditioning systems. Birds build nests in gutters, causing backups during storms that can rip the structure from your roof. They may also find a home in your chimney where an obstruction of dry nesting materials can cause a fire hazard.